(1) The department provides limited English proficient (LEP) services to you if you are limited in your ability to read, write and/or speak English. These services provide a way for us to communicate with you even though you are limited in your ability to communicate in English. LEP services are provided in your primary language by authorized bilingual workers or by contracted interpreters and translators. Your primary language is the language you have indicated on your application or your eligibility review as the language you wish to communicate in with the department.
(2) LEP services include:
(a) Interpreter (verbal) services in person and/or over the telephone; and
(b) Translation of department forms, letters and other printed materials.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
74.04.025 and
74.08.090. WSR 03-01-115, ยง 388-271-0010, filed 12/18/02, effective 1/18/03.]