PDFWAC 388-825-168

How do I complain to DDA about my services or treatment?

If you have a complaint about any DDA services or treatment other than actions listed in WAC 388-825-120(3), or you do not want to appeal a DDA action through an administrative hearing but you still wish to express your concerns, follow these steps in this order:
(1) First, contact your case resource manager or social worker by phone, in writing, email, or in person and explain your problem.
(2) If you are not happy with the results from speaking with your case resource manager or social worker, you may ask to speak with their supervisor.
(3) If steps in subsections (1) and (2) of this section do not solve your problem, you should submit your complaint in writing to the regional office.
(4) If you do not reach a solution with the regional office, you can request that your complaint be forwarded to the DDA headquarters in Olympia.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.10.015, 71A.18.020, 71A.12.030, and Title 71A RCW. WSR 15-17-094, ยง 388-825-168, filed 8/18/15, effective 9/18/15.]