(1) Standard certification is a document issued by DDA that indicates a children's state-operated living alternative provider meets the requirements under this chapter to deliver out-of-home services.
(2) The provider must obtain standard certification before their initial certification expires.
(3) The provider must allow a DDA-contracted evaluator to complete an on-site certification evaluation.
(4) Based on the findings of the evaluation, DDA may:
(a) Issue standard certification;
(b) Issue provisional certification; or
(c) Decertify the provider.
(5) A standard certification is valid for no more than twenty-four months.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
71A.12.030 and chapters
74.13 RCW. WSR 21-15-059, ยง 388-826-0232, filed 7/15/21, effective 8/15/21.]