PDFWAC 388-831-0130

What services may I receive in the community protection program?

(1) The division will only authorize services to program participants who follow the treatment recommendations made by the qualified professionals who assess and/or provide your treatment and are listed in WAC 388-845-0220.
(2) Your residential services must be provided by a certified community protection intensive supported living services provider. Community protection intensive supported living services provide:
(a) An opportunity for you to live successfully in the community;
(b) A specialized environment in which you are supported to make positive choices to reduce the behaviors that require intensive intervention and supervision.
(3) Your employment services as defined in WAC 388-845-1200, 388-845-1400, and 388-845-2100 must be provided by a qualified community protection employment program service provider.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030 and 2006 c 303. WSR 08-20-118, ยง 388-831-0130, filed 9/30/08, effective 10/31/08.]