(1) The process to move you to a less restrictive residential setting will include:
(a) Written verification of your treatment progress and an assessment of low risk of reoffense and/or dangerousness by your therapist;
(b) A recommendation by your therapist that you are ready for reductions in supervision and restrictions;
(c) Development of a gradual phase out plan by the treatment team, projected over a reasonable period of time, which includes specific criteria for evaluating reductions in restrictions, especially supervision;
(d) Compliance with reduced restrictions;
(e) The absence of any incidents that may indicate relapse for a period of twelve months;
(f) An assessment by a qualified professional consistent with the division guidelines for risk assessment and psychosexual evaluations containing:
(i) An evaluation of your risk of reoffense and/or dangerousness; and
(ii) An opinion as to whether or not you can be managed successfully in a less restrictive community residential setting; and
(g) A recommendation as to suitable placement by the treatment team.
(2) When the treatment team agrees that you are ready to move to a less restrictive community residential placement, you will receive a written plan that details what supports and services, including the level of supervision, you will receive in the less restrictive community residential placement.
(3) If you meet the eligibility requirements described in WAC
388-845-0030, you are eligible for waiver services and will be placed on a waiver that meets your needs.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
71A.12.030 and 2006 c 303. WSR 08-20-118, ยง 388-831-0230, filed 9/30/08, effective 10/31/08.]