PDFWAC 388-880-057

How SCC considers a resident's revocation of LRA status.

(1) When a resident on a conditional release in any less restrictive alternative setting is alleged to have committed a violation of his or her court-ordered conditions and is pending a hearing on revocation or modification, the superintendent may direct a senior clinical team to review the matter and make a clinical recommendation.
(a) In developing its clinical recommendation, the senior clinical team will review:
(i) The resident's transition activity;
(ii) The factors surrounding the situation(s)/behavior(s) causing the revocation review;
(iii) The ability of SCC and DOC to adequately assure for the public's safety and the resident's compliance with less restrictive alternative conditions if the resident remains in the community or is allowed community access;
(iv) The ability of SCC and department of corrections (DOC) to adequately manage the resident in the community given existing resources; and
(v) Any other relevant information (e.g., medication compliance, manifestation and management of dynamic risk factors, evidence or absence of paraphilia and personality disorder, responsivity, psychological testing, polygraph results, PPG assessment results, etc.).
(b) The senior clinical team will provide the superintendent with a clinical recommendation regarding the revocation and any modification to the conditions if so recommended.
(2) The superintendent or designee will notify the prosecuting attorney, the resident's community corrections officer (CCO), sex offender treatment provider (SOTP) and local law enforcement of SCC's position pertaining to the revocation or continuation of the resident's less restrictive alternative status.
(3) When a resident is residing in the SCC total confinement facility while he or she is pending a revocation decision on their LRA status:
(a) An SCC associate superintendent will be responsible to determine the resident's living unit placement, behavior level assignment, persons who may be on the resident's personal visiting list, recreation activities and privileges, and personal property privileges.
(b) The resident's community transition team, in consultation with the SCC clinical department, shall determine the resident's treatment activities.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 71.09 RCW and RCW 72.01.090. WSR 10-13-130, ยง 388-880-057, filed 6/22/10, effective 7/23/10.]