PDFWAC 430-01-110

Closing and compliance of public records requests.

Closing requests. The request is deemed closed once the requested records or last installment of the request has been provided with the requestor expressly or impliedly acknowledging receipt without further follow-up communication being made.
Other closing conditions. A request is also deemed closed:
(1) When the requestor fails to make the required deposit of up to ten percent of the estimated costs of copying including the cost of customized service charge;
(2) When the requestor fails to timely respond to a notice of availability to inspect the records requested;
(3) When the requestor failed to inspect, pay, and/or pick up any or all of the requested records within fifteen business days of issuance of such notice of availability;
Records retention. Once closed, the records of the public records request is retained and the originals of any records assembled in response to the request refiled. Any duplicate copies of records may be destroyed in accordance with records retention schedule.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 28A.345 and 42.56 RCW. WSR 18-09-072, ยง 430-01-110, filed 4/16/18, effective 5/17/18.]