PDFWAC 434-208-160

Online information.

The secretary of state and each county auditor must provide information online that includes, at a minimum, how to:
(1) Register to vote using a paper or online application;
(2) Confirm a registration status;
(3) Request a ballot or replacement ballot;
(4) For service and overseas voters, receive a ballot electronically;
(5) Update a residential address or mailing address;
(6) Contact the elections office by phone, fax, email, mailing address, and physical address;
(7) Obtain information about the next election;
(8) For service or overseas voters, return a signed declaration and voted ballot electronically;
(9) Confirm that a voted ballot has been received; and
(10) Obtain election results.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 29A.04.611. WSR 12-14-074, ยง 434-208-160, filed 7/2/12, effective 8/2/12.]