PDFWAC 480-30-461

Service or rate complaints.

(1) Company responsibility.
(a) Complaints from customer. When a company receives a service or rate complaint from a customer it must:
(i) Acknowledge the complaint within twenty-four hours;
(ii) Investigate promptly;
(iii) Report the results of the investigation to the complainant;
(iv) Take corrective action, if warranted, as soon as appropriate under the circumstances;
(v) Inform the complainant that the decision may be appealed to a higher level representative of the company, if any;
(vi) Advise that if the complainant is still dissatisfied after speaking with the higher level representative, the commission is available to review the complaint; and
(vii) Provide the complainant with the commission's address and toll-free telephone number.
(b) Complaint referred by commission. When commission staff refers an informal complaint to the company, the company must:
(i) Investigate and report the results to commission staff within two business days (commission staff may grant an extension of time for responding to the complaint if requested and warranted);
(ii) Keep commission staff informed of progress toward the resolution on a weekly basis; and
(iii) Inform the commission staff of the final result.
(c) Complaint record. A company must keep a record of all complaints for at least three years. The record of complaints must be readily available for commission review. The record must contain:
(i) The complainant's name and address;
(ii) Date and nature of the complaint;
(iii) Action taken;
(iv) The final result; and
(v) All official documents regarding the complaint.
(2) Complaints to commission. Customers may file with the commission either:
(a) An informal complaint against the company under the provisions of WAC 480-07-910; or
(b) A formal complaint against the company under the provisions of WAC 480-07-370.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040, 81.04.160, 81.12.050, 81.68.030, and 81.70.270. WSR 06-13-006 (General Order No. R-533, Docket No. TC-020497), ยง 480-30-461, filed 6/8/06, effective 7/9/06.]