(1) Any person desiring to operate a commercial ferry which is required by the provisions of chapter
81.84 RCW to be certificated, to acquire a controlling interest in, or to acquire by transfer any certificate, shall file with the Washington utilities and transportation commission an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity on a form furnished by the commission. Applications shall include, but are not limited to the following:
(a) Pro forma financial statement of operations;
(b) Ridership and revenue forecasts;
(c) The cost of service for the proposed operation;
(d) An estimate of the cost of the assets to be used in providing service;
(e) A statement of the total assets on hand of the applicant that will be expended on the proposed operation; and
(f) A statement of prior experience, if any, in providing commercial ferry service.
(2) Certificate holders wishing to issue stocks and stock certificates, or other evidences of interest or ownership, and bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness and to create liens on their property in this state shall comply with chapter
81.08 RCW, as amended, and with all pertinent commission rules.
(3) Application fees:
Original application for certificate . . . .$200.00 |
Application for extension of certificate . . . .200.00 |
Application to transfer a certificate . . . .200.00 |
Application for issuance of a duplicate certificate . . . .3.00 |
Application for temporary certificate . . . .200.00 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
81.84.070, 1993 c 427, 1995 c 361 and RCW
80.01.040(4). WSR 95-22-001 (Order R-435, Docket No. TS-941485), ยง 480-51-030, filed 10/18/95, effective 11/18/95.]