PDFWAC 480-51-090

Time schedules.

Each certificate holder, excluding launch services, shall publish and file with the commission, time schedules showing all service given under their certificate and the manner in which it is available, as follows:
(1) Time schedules shall be typewritten or printed on 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper.
(2) The title page of each time schedule must show the following (see sample time schedule in subsection (8) of this section):
(a) A consecutive number in the upper right hand corner, indicating the number of the current version of the time schedule (beginning with Number 1), and must show the number of the time schedule cancelled thereby, if any.
(b) The name of the certificate holder, approved trade name under which operation is conducted, and the number of the certificate.
(c) The termini or points between which the time schedule applies, briefly stated.
(d) A definite statement of the regular route or routes traversed including all intermediate stops and the names and locations of all docks and landings used along the route.
(e) The date when the time schedule is issued, posted and filed with the commission and the date when the time schedule is to become effective.
(f) The name, title and address (including both street address and mailing address, if different from street address) of the official issuing the time schedule.
(3) Time schedules must show (see sample time schedule in subsection (8) of this section):
(a) The time of Arrival and Departure at and from all Points Served.
(b) The Days upon which each trip will be given.
(c) The Distance between all points shown in the schedule.
(e) Any limitations of service contained in the certificate and any restriction or limitation of the service given at or between the points shown as served.
(4) At least one copy of each time schedule shall be posted on or before the date shown as the date of its issuance, in a conspicuous place, easily accessible for public inspection, at each dock, waiting room and regular stopping place on the route and on each vessel used.
(5) Two copies of each time schedule shall be filed with the commission at its Olympia headquarters on or before the date shown as the date of its issuance.
(6) Changes in the operation under a certificate which affect in any way the information or service shown in the time schedule then in effect must be made only after a new time schedule has been issued and been made effective as follows:
(a) A new time schedule must be issued, bearing the next consecutive number, and stating the number of the time schedule cancelled thereby as provided in subsection (2) of this section, as for example:
"Time Schedule No. 2
Time Schedule No. 1"
(b) Notice period required. Copies of the new time schedule shall be posted and filed, in accordance with subsections (3) and (4) of this section, at least fifteen days before the effective date thereof. Exception: If the sole change accomplished by a new time schedule is to increase the number of runs on an established route currently operated, and no change is otherwise made in existing schedules, the filing must be made with the commission not less than one full day before the effective date and advance notice to the public will not be required.
(c) After such fifteen days, the new time schedule will be considered in full force and effect, unless ordered withdrawn, modified or suspended.
(d) The commission may, prior to the effective date of a new time schedule, on its own motion or on the filing of a sufficient protest by any person or persons affected, order the time schedule withdrawn, modified or suspended.
(e) In case of actual emergency or when real merit is shown, the commission may, in its discretion, permit a time schedule to become effective on less than fifteen days notice.
(7) Time schedules as filed with the commission and posted for the information of the public must be adhered to.
(8) Sample time schedule:
[Statutory Authority: RCW 81.84.070, 1993 c 427, 1995 c 361 and RCW 80.01.040(4). WSR 95-22-001 (Order R-435, Docket No. TS-941485), ยง 480-51-090, filed 10/18/95, effective 11/18/95.]