(1) Customer information includes the customer's name, address, telephone number, service level, credit and deposit information, and billing history.
(2) Companies must use customer information only for:
(a) Providing and billing for services the customer requests;
(b) Marketing new services or options to its customers; or
(c) Providing information to its customers.
(3) Any sale or release of customer information without the written permission of the customer is prohibited. The only exceptions to this rule are:
(a) Release of information to the commission to investigate or resolve complaints filed with the commission by a customer;
(b) Sharing nonpayment information with agencies the company engages to act as the company's agent in pursuing collection of past due accounts; and
(c) Release of information of a former customer for purposes of WAC
480-70-411 (1)(a).
(4) Companies are allowed to collect and release customer information in aggregate form if the aggregated information does not allow any specific customer to be identified.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
81.77.030 and
80.01.040. WSR 01-08-012 (Docket No. TG-990161, General Order No. R-479), ยง 480-70-421, filed 3/23/01, effective 4/23/01.]