PDFWAC 480-80-102

Tariff content.

The tariff must include:
(1) Title page. The first sheet of the tariff must contain the following information:
(a) Tariff number;
(b) The canceled tariff number, when applicable;
(c) The types of services covered by the tariff;
(d) An identification of the territory to which the tariff applies;
(e) Effective date of the sheet; and
(f) The complete name, address, phone number, unified business identifier (UBI) number, and if available, the mail address and web page address of the issuing utility.
(2) Index or table of contents. The second section of the tariff must be updated, when applicable, whenever a tariff sheet is added, revised, or canceled. It must include:
(a) Tariff number;
(b) Name of the utility issuing the tariff;
(c) Effective date of the revised index or table of contents sheet; and
(d) A complete and accurate list of the contents of the tariff.
(3) Legend of symbols. This section must identify all symbols used in the tariff to identify changes resulting from the filing of the specific sheet change. The list must include the required symbols and their meanings, and any other utility-specific symbol with its meaning, consistent with the requirements identified in WAC 480-80-105(4).
(4) Rules section. The rules section sets forth the conditions governing services under the tariff.
(a) The rules section must include the following, when applicable:
(i) Application for service;
(ii) Definition of service;
(iii) Reconnection charge;
(iv) Service connection;
(v) Installation of meters;
(vi) Distribution main or line extension unless specified in a rate schedule;
(vii) Responsibility for, and maintenance of, distribution plant and service lines;
(viii) Access to premises;
(ix) Interruptions to service;
(x) Bills;
(xi) Deposits;
(xii) Delinquent accounts;
(xiii) Discontinuance of service; and
(xiv) The method the utility will use to give notice to its customers of changes within the limits of a banded rate.
(b) Gas companies must also include the requirements set out in:
(i) WAC 480-90-233 (Purchased gas adjustment) (may be included in rules section or rates section);
(ii) WAC 480-90-303 (Heating value of gas); and
(iii) WAC 480-90-343 (Statement of meter test procedures).
(c) Electric companies must also include the requirements set out in WAC 480-100-343 (Statement of meter test procedures).
(d) Rules for specific services may be included in either the rate schedule section or the rules section.
(5) Rate schedule section.
(a) Rate schedule sheets must include the following, when applicable:
(i) Schedule number;
(ii) A title that accurately describes the service;
(iii) Availability;
(iv) The rates to be paid for the service;
(v) Any special terms or conditions associated with the service or the calculation of rates to be paid for the service.
(b) Telecommunications companies not classified as competitive must also provide the following information, when applicable, based upon the type of service offered:
(i) Exchange service rate schedules that include:
(A) Primary rate schedules;
(B) Private branch exchange rate schedules;
(C) Miscellaneous rate schedules; and
(D) Exchange area maps.
(ii) Inter-exchange service rate schedules that include:
(A) Basic rate schedules;
(B) Supplementary rate schedules; and
(C) List of toll points.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040 and 80.04.180. WSR 02-11-081 (Docket No. U-991301, General Order No. R-498), ยง 480-80-102, filed 5/14/02, effective 6/17/02.]