(1) A student may waive any or all of his/her all rights under the act, subject to the following:
(a) That the college did not require the waiver;
(b) That no college services be denied a student who fails to supply a waiver;
(c) That he/she completes and signs TCC Form TCC-REG-062, and identifies which records may be examined; and
(d) That the documents to which a student has waived the right to access are used only for the purposes for which they were collected. If the college uses them for other purposes, the waiver shall be voided and the documents may be inspected.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.50.140(13). WSR 89-20-013 (Order 89-1), ยง 132V-15-080, filed 9/26/89, effective 10/27/89.]