PDFWAC 139-11-040

Curriculum review, development, and assessment.

(1) All curricula will be reviewed and approved consistent with commission policies and procedures.
(2) All training and student performance will be assessed consistent with current commission policies and procedures.
(3) All training will utilize an effective pedagogical approach for law enforcement on sensitive issues, and the efficacy of training should be continuously assessed with before-and-after testing of officer-participant if recommended by the subject matter experts involved in developing the curriculum.
(4) Continuing training will be developed by commission staff in partnership with subject matter experts from across the state and across various related disciplines. The training will be delivered in a variety of local/regional venues including, but not limited to, classrooms, gymnasiums, simulators, ranges, online platforms, and community settings. A variety of educational methods will be employed including classroom lectures, mock scenarios, and physical skill development practice. The training will be delivered by a cadre comprised of commission certified instructors who have completed an eighty hour, "train the trainer" course and shall use to the extent possible field training officers from local agencies, as well as other trainers with unique qualifications from outside of the law enforcement profession.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.101.080. WSR 19-13-011, ยง 139-11-040, filed 6/7/19, effective 7/8/19.]