(1) For penalties imposed under WAC
182-70-600, the Washington all payer health care claims database (WA-APCD) program director or the director's designee conducts a hearing and prepares a final order.
(2) The hearing must be conducted in accordance with this chapter and the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter
34.05 RCW.
(3) The WA-APCD program director, on behalf of the health care authority, must be the petitioner in the hearing, and the requestor must be the respondent.
(4) The WA-APCD program director has the burden of proving the basis for the finding of a violation and the penalty as set forth in the notice of violation and recommended penalty.
(5) The WA-APCD program director or the director's delegate issues a final written order that includes findings of fact, conclusions of law, and if appropriate, the penalty.
(6) If the order finds a violation and assesses monetary penalties, the order must include notice that payment must be made no later than forty-five days after service of the order or the period to appeal has expired, whichever is later.
(7) The WA-APCD program director must cause service of the final order on all parties.
(8) Any party to whom a violation is found may file a petition for review of the final order to superior court.
(9) If an appeal is not filed within the period set by RCW
34.05.542, the WA-APCD program director's order is conclusive and binding on all parties.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.71C.110, and 2019 c 334. WSR 21-11-039, ยง 182-526-0206, filed 5/12/21, effective 6/12/21.]