PDFWAC 182-526-0282

Continuance requests in provider hearing, estate recovery hearing, or nursing home rate hearing under WAC 388-96-904.

This section applies to continuance requests made in provider hearings, estate recovery hearings, or nursing home rate hearings.
(1) A request for continuance under this section may be made either orally or in writing.
(2) Before contacting the office of administrative hearings (OAH) to request a continuance, the party seeking the continuance must make a good faith effort to contact the other parties to find out if they agree to a continuance.
(3) The party making the request for a continuance must let OAH know whether the other parties agreed to the continuance. If all parties agree to a continuance, the administrative law judge (ALJ) must grant the request unless the ALJ requires a showing of good cause for a continuance.
(4) If the parties do not agree to a continuance, the ALJ must schedule and hold a prehearing conference to decide whether there is good cause to grant the continuance.
(5) If the ALJ grants a continuance, OAH must serve a new notice of hearing on the parties at least fourteen calendar days before the new hearing date.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.05.021 and 41.05.160. WSR 17-05-066, ยง 182-526-0282, filed 2/13/17, effective 3/16/17.]