PDFWAC 204-50-140

Review of denial, suspension or revocation of certification.

(1) The chief or designee may deny, suspend, or revoke a letter of certification for an ignition interlock device, service center, or ignition interlock technician upon receiving evidence that any letter of certification holder has failed to comply or no longer complies with any requirement or provision of law or this chapter. The following process will be used:
(a) The chief or designee will give the applicant or certificate holder notice of the action and an opportunity to be heard as prescribed in chapter 34.05 RCW, prior to denial, suspension, or revocation of the letter of certification, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section.
(b) Upon receiving notice of the action, the applicant, or certificate holder may request an administrative hearing to contest the decision. A request for an administrative hearing must:
(i) Be made in writing and mailed to the Washington State Patrol Impaired Driving Section, 811 East Roanoke St., Seattle, WA 98102; and
(ii) Be received by the patrol's impaired driving section within twenty business days after the date of the notice of action.
(2) The chief or designee may, without prior notification, suspend a letter of certification for a device, service center, or ignition interlock technician if the chief or designee finds that there is danger to the public health, safety, or welfare that requires immediate action. For every summary suspension of a letter of certification, an order signed by the chief or designee must be entered in accordance with the provisions of RCW 34.05.479.
(3) Failure to request a hearing or failure to appear at a hearing, a prehearing conference, or any other stage of an adjudicative proceeding may constitute default and result in the entry of a final order under RCW 34.05.440.
(4) Administrative proceedings consistent with chapter 34.05 RCW for revocation or other action will be promptly instituted and determined. The chief or designee must give notice as practicable to the letter of certification holder.
(5) Unless the chief or designee finds the immediate revocation is necessary or unless the certificate holder timely requests a hearing as provided under this section, a decision to revoke or suspend will be effective thirty days from the date of the notice of action decision unless the chief or designee finds that immediate revocations is necessary.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.43.395, 46.37.005, and 46.04.215. WSR 10-24-074, ยง 204-50-140, filed 11/30/10, effective 1/1/11.]