In accordance with the provisions of chapter
42.17 RCW requiring agencies to prevent unreasonable invasions of privacy, protect public records from damage or disorganization, and prevent excessive interference with essential functions of the agency, public records of the board may be inspected or copied, or copies of such records may be obtained, by members of the public upon compliance with the following procedures:
(1) A request shall be made in writing upon a form prescribed by the board which shall be available at its administrative office. A completed form shall be presented to any member of the board staff at the board's administrative office during customary office hours. The request shall include the following information:
(a) The name, mailing address, and telephone number of the person requesting the record and the organization represented, if any.
(b) The time of day and calendar date on which the request was made.
(c) A description of the material requested.
(d) If the matter requested is referenced within the current index maintained by the records officer, a reference to the requested record as it is described in such current index.
(e) If the requested matter is identifiable by reference to a current index, an appropriate identification of the record requested.
(2) In all cases in which a member of the public is making a request, it shall be the obligation of the board or staff member to whom the request is made to assist the member of the public in appropriately identifying the public record requested.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
42.17.250. WSR 95-23-058, ยง 243-01-090, filed 11/15/95, effective 12/16/95.]