PDFWAC 250-71-065

Institutional self-study and plan.

(1) By September 30, 1990, each institution shall submit to the higher education coordinating board an initial self-study assessing its compliance with the gender equality requirements of this chapter. The self-study shall utilize date from the 1988-89 academic year, and shall include:
(a) An assessment of the students in each major, at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and in all programs and services related to academics, to determine whether the participation of males and females is substantially proportional to the enrollment of each gender in the undergraduate population of the institution;
(b) An analysis of student employment to determine the proportion of each gender employed by the institution, and their rates of pay;
(c) An evaluation of all advising and counseling services and appraisal instruments to determine freedom from gender bias;
(d) An assessment of the participation of male and female students in the recreational activities of the institution, and of the benefits associated with these activities;
(e) An examination of the amounts, types, and patterns of financial aid awarded to males and to females at all levels of study to determine whether any disparities exist;
(f) An evaluation of other areas of student services, including, but not limited to, housing, placement, child care, minority affairs, and special services, to determine if students of both genders receive comparable benefits;
(g) An analysis of the intercollegiate athletics program to identify any existing disparities between genders in participation opportunities, benefits, services, or facilities;
(h) An enumeration of athletic administrators and coaches by position title, sport and gender;
(i) A description of efforts implemented to educate students, faculty and staff about sexual harassment.
(2) By November 30, 1990, each institution shall submit to the higher education coordinating board a plan to comply with the requirements of this chapter, including:
(a) Identification of barriers or factors which need to be addressed in order to reach compliance with the provisions of this chapter;
(b) Measures to be implemented to ensure institutional compliance with the provisions of this chapter by September 30, 1994, except as otherwise allowed in RCW 28B.15.460.
(3) By October 30 of each even numbered year, beginning in 1992, each institution shall submit an update to its plan, including:
(a) An assessment of the results of activities undertaken under the previous plan to remove barriers to compliance with the provisions of this chapter;
(b) The results of continued monitoring of gender equity at the institution;
(c) Additional activities, or modifications of current activities, to be undertaken to address remaining issues of gender equity at the institution.
(4) The higher education coordinating board shall report biennially, beginning December 31, 1990, to the governor and the higher education committees of the house of representatives and the senate on:
(a) The efforts of each institution and the extent to which it has complied with this chapter.
(b) Recommendations on measures to assist institutions with compliance.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.110 RCW. WSR 90-24-023, ยง 250-71-065, filed 11/29/90, effective 12/30/90.]