PDFWAC 260-20-012

Audio and visual equipment.

(1) A racing association must provide and maintain a working communication system between the stewards' stand, race office, tote room, jockeys' quarters, paddock, test barn, starting gate, weigh-in scale, video camera locations, clockers' stand, track announcer, location of the aid vehicle and equine ambulance, and other locations and persons designated by the commission or designee.
(2) A racing association must have a public address system capable of clearly transmitting announcements to the patrons and to the stable area.
(3) If the commission does not provide photo finish service, a racing association is required to:
(a) Provide two electronic photo finish devices with mirror image to photograph the finish of each race. The commission, or designee will approve the location and operation of the photo finish devices before their first use in a race.
(b) Promptly post a photograph or digital image of each photo finish for win, place or show in an area accessible to the public.
(c) Ensure the photo finish devices are calibrated before the first day of each race meet and at other times as required by the commission, or designee.
(d) Provide, when requested, and without cost, a print of a photo finish to the commission, or designee.
(4) A racing association must provide an electronic timing system that records the time of each race in at least fifths of a second. The association will maintain this system and all split time marker sensors in good working order.
(5) A racing association must provide a videotaping system approved by the commission, or designee. Cameras must be located to provide clear panoramic and head-on views of each race. Separate monitors, which simultaneously display the images received from each camera and are capable of simultaneously displaying a synchronized view of the recordings of each race for review, will be provided in the stewards' stand. The commission, or designee will approve the location and construction of video towers.
(a) One camera will videotape the prerace loading of all horses into the starting gate and will continue to videotape them until the starter dispatches the field.
(b) One camera will videotape the apparent winner of each race from the finish line until the horse has returned, the jockey has dismounted, and the equipment has been removed from the horse.
(c) The board of stewards may, at their discretion, direct the video camera operators to videotape the activities of any horses or persons handling horses prior to, during or following a race.
(6) Races run at a Class A or B track must be recorded by at least three video cameras. Races run at a Class C track must be recorded by at least two video cameras.
(7) A racing association must, upon request, provide to the commission, without cost, a copy of a videotape of a race.
(8) Videotapes recorded prior to, during and following each race will be maintained by the association for not less than six months after the end of the race meet, or such other period as is directed by the stewards, the commission, or designee.
(9) Following any race in which there is an inquiry or objection, the association will display to the public the videotaped replays of the incident in question, which were utilized by the stewards in making their decision.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. WSR 07-11-115, ยง 260-20-012, filed 5/18/07, effective 6/18/07.]