(1) All racing associations must provide a test barn for taking specimens for testing. The test barn must be equipped with:
(a) A walk ring that is large enough to accommodate four horses;
(b) An approved amount of enclosed stalls that permit observation of the collection process and provide for the protection of collection personnel;
(c) Facilities for the collection, identification and storage of samples;
(d) A wash-rack that is large enough to accommodate an adequate number of horses at the same time;
(e) Hot and cold running water at Class A and B racing associations.
(2) A racing association will limit access to the test barn to persons authorized by the official veterinarian.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
67.16.020 and
67.16.040. WSR 07-11-115, ยง 260-20-017, filed 5/18/07, effective 6/18/07.]