PDFWAC 352-28-050

Protecting and restoring degraded natural resources.

The state park system contains a diverse array of natural resources. Select resources, of high biological significance, may warrant a high-level of protection from human impacts to preserve them. In addition, efforts to rehabilitate or restore these resources may require little or no human impacts during the recovery period. Hence, public access to park lands may be limited or prohibited for short or long periods of time by the director, or the designee of the director, where the following criteria are met:
(1) A significant resource is deemed at risk of degradation from human activities;
(2) A conservation plan, involving consultation with the department of natural resources Washington natural heritage program and other agencies and groups with expertise in ecosystem health as deemed appropriate by the director or the designee of the director, has been developed to protect, restore, or rehabilitate the significant resources; and
(3) A public meeting on all closures destined to exceed one year is conducted in the county in which the affected park lands occur. Prior notice of a hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in such county. Any person who requests notification of the proposed closure shall be sent prior notice of the meeting by mail. A summary of the testimony presented at a meeting or received in writing shall be presented to the director.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79A.05.030, 79A.05.035, 79A.05.055, 79A.05.070, 79A.05.075, and 79A.05.165. WSR 08-05-009, ยง 352-28-050, filed 2/7/08, effective 3/9/08.]