PDFWAC 352-52-030

Grants or moneys for support of hostels.

The commission will accept grants or moneys from any federal or private source for support of hostels. The commission, at its discretion, will apportion and transfer any such moneys to public agencies which have contracted for the operation of a hostel or hostels, or to political subdivisions which operate hostels. Application for such moneys shall be made on a form provided by the director, which may be obtained upon request by writing in care of the Director, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, 7150 Cleanwater Lane, Olympia, Washington 98504: Provided, That no contracting agency or political subdivision will be eligible to receive any such moneys in support of hostels unless their hostels are operated in accordance with WAC 352-52-040.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.51.375 and 43.51.060(1). WSR 81-19-114 (Order 54), ยง 352-52-030, filed 9/23/81.]