When used in this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings designated in this section:
"Commission" means the Washington state parks and recreation commission.
"Director" means the director of the Washington state parks and recreation commission or the director's designee.
"Site" means a designated area and the fixtures and improvements thereon or nearby provided to people traveling the water trail for their overnight stays ashore.
"Water trail program funds" means the funds deposited in the water trail program account administered by the Washington state parks and recreation commission pursuant to this chapter and chapter
43.51 RCW.
"Water trail system" means a network of designated water trail sites strategically located for the convenience, and use of holders of water trail permits when traveling from site to site.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.51.440. WSR 94-23-009, ยง 352-68-020, filed 11/3/94, effective 12/4/94.]