PDFWAC 392-183A-020

Due process.

The Washington Interscholastic Activity Association shall adopt, publish, and make available to all students and parents, written rules which state with reasonable clarity the types of misconduct for which loss of eligibility may occur under the provisions of this chapter. In addition, written procedures for imposing loss of eligibility and a method of appeal to assert innocence or present mitigating circumstances shall be developed. Such procedures shall be consistent with rules developed by the WIAA to govern all student eligibility appeals. Such rules shall:
(1) Specify the reason(s) for their alleged ineligibility, the rule being violated, and provide written notice of applicable procedures and timelines.
(2) Specify that the student may represent himself/herself or be represented by a person of choice. The student shall also have the opportunity to testify, present, and cross-examine witnesses and introduce relevant evidence.
(3) Specify that any decision shall be rendered within five calendar days following the date of the hearing.
(4) Specify that the student is entitled to an appeal and set forth guidelines for a proposed resolution.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 69.41.340. WSR 90-09-039 (Order 90-05), ยง 392-183A-020, filed 4/12/90, effective 5/13/90.]