PDFWAC 468-51-050

Conceptual review.

Prior to filing a connection permit application and prior to receipt of development approval, all permit applicants, but in particular those applying for Category II and Category III connections, are strongly encouraged to request, in writing, a conceptual review of the site plan and proposed connection locations with the department and other local governmental agencies as appropriate. The purpose of the conceptual review is to expedite the overall review process by establishing the permit category, number, type, and general location of connections to the property early in the planning stages of a proposed development or a proposed significant change in property site use, or to determine that the connection as requested cannot be permitted. The conceptual review does not constitute final department approval of the location and design of the connection. If deemed appropriate, especially on the more complex proposals, the department shall establish the date for a conceptual review meeting to be held within two weeks of the receipt of the written request unless a later date is requested by the applicant. If a meeting is scheduled, representatives of the local governmental land use planning authority will be invited to attend. Within four weeks following the conceptual review meeting, or receipt of the request if no meeting is scheduled, the department will provide the applicant written notice of the department's conceptual review findings, provided all needed information to complete the review has been received from the applicant. These findings are nonbinding on the department and the developer. Additional detailed information received during the application process, changes in the proposed development, or changes in the existing or planned operational characteristics of the state highway system may necessitate modifications of the connections agreed to in the conceptual approval. The conceptual review findings can be used by the developer in the site plan review/approval process with the local government having jurisdiction over the development as indicating coordination of connection location, quantity, and design with the department and of preliminary department findings on the proposed connections.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 47.01.101 and chapter 47.50 RCW. WSR 92-14-044, ยง 468-51-050, filed 6/24/92, effective 7/25/92.]