PDFWAC 468-200-060


(1) "Air search and rescue" means the conduct and management of all aerial search and rescue operations involving downed or missing aircraft. This includes aircraft and airships used in search and rescue operations requested through the aviation division. The aviation division is also responsible for search and rescue activities involving electronic signaling devices such as emergency locator transmitters (ELT's) and emergency position indicating radio beacons (EPIRB's). This does not include operations conducted for search and rescue purposes under the authority of chapter 38.52 RCW.
(2) "Disaster relief air operations" means the utilization of aircraft, airships, and crews in the assessment, search and rescue, or mitigation of a disaster.
(3) "Authorized official" means the director of aviation of the department of transportation or designee.
(4) "Authorized organization" means the department of transportation, aviation division, Washington state military department, emergency management division, local emergency management agencies, or law enforcement agencies of political subdivisions.
(5) "Aviation division" means the department of transportation, aviation division.
(6) "Incident" means an occurrence or event, either human caused or natural phenomena, that requires action by emergency services personnel to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and/or the environment.
(7) "Mission" means a distinct assignment of personnel and equipment to achieve a set of tasks related to an incident, emergency, disasters or search and rescue operation that occurs under the direction and control of an authorized official.
(8) "Training event" means a planned, nonemergency activity for the development, maintenance, or upgrading of emergency worker skills.
(9) "Remote/isolated area" means an area lacking in amenities, paved roads, or public services, most often heavy vegetation and hilly terrain. Also defined as an area in which development is essentially nonexistent except for roads, railroads, power lines, and similar transportation facilities. Anyone leaving a recognized, road network will be considered to be in a remote/isolated area.
(10) "SARDA" means state and regional disaster airlift, a plan that is adopted by the state of Washington, as an integral part of the Washington state comprehensive emergency management plan. SARDA establishes the procedures for the control, conduct, and utilization of aviation during times of major disaster.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.68 RCW. WSR 96-02-067 (Order 160), ยง 468-200-060, filed 1/3/96, effective 2/3/96.]