(1) All printed or typewritten tariffs and supplements must indicate all changes in rates, fares, charges, rules, regulations or classifications by use of the following symbols in connection with such changes:
| or (R) to denote reductions |
| or (A) to denote increases |
| or (C) to denote changes in wording which result in neither reductions nor increases in charges. |
(2) Explanations of all symbols used must be provided in the tariff or supplement in which used and the symbols designated in subsection (1) must not be used for any other purpose.
(3) When a change of the same character is made in all or in substantially all rates, fares or charges in a tariff or supplement or a page thereof, that fact and the nature of such changes may be indicated in distinctive type at the top of the title page of such issue or at the top of each page respectively in the following manner "All rates, fares or charges in this issue are increases," or "All rates, fares or charges on this page are reductions except as otherwise provided in connection with the rates, fares or charges." Under this paragraph of the rule a bold face dot, "•," must be used to symbolize a rate, fare or charge in which no change has been made. This symbol must not be used for any other purpose.
(4) When a tariff or supplement canceling a previous issue omits points of origin or destination, rates, fares, charges, rules, regulations or routes which were contained in such previous issue, the new tariff or supplement shall indicate the omissions and if such omissions effect changes in charges or services that fact shall be indicated by the use of the uniform symbols prescribed in subsection (1) of this rule.
[Order R-16, § 480-149-020, filed 2/3/70; Public Service Commission Cause No. T-9494, filed 4/5/61.]