(1) Unless more copies are specifically requested by the commission, one copy of every tariff, supplement or revised page must be filed with the commission and notice must be given to the public by posting copies in a conspicuous place at each station affected thirty days before the effective date thereof except as provided for in the following sections of this rule or unless specifically authorized by the commission. Filings received on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays will be considered as being received on the following office day.
(2) The following tariffs may be filed on one day's notice to the commission and to the public:
(a) Providing for the opening or closing of navigation or traffic on rivers, harbors, lakes, highways or roads of the state.
(b) Providing for the movement of circuses.
(c) Providing rates for new lines or extensions of lines or service not heretofore covered by any similar form of transportation or service or not competitive with any similar form of transportation or service.
If the new line, extension or service is covered by any form of transportation or service, and/or is competitive therewith, the tariff or supplement so filed, must provide the same rates or fares as those of the existing company unless full statutory notice is given prior to the beginning of operations.
(d) Adoption, suspension or vacating supplements as provided for in WAC
(3) In cases of actual emergency, or when real merit is shown, the commission may, in its discretion, permit tariffs to become effective on less than the notice and the publication time periods specified in the statute or this section L.S.N. Application for such authority must be on a form supplied by the commission.
Note: | The commission will not accept a tariff for L.S.N. action unless the cover letter under which the tariff is submitted or the form on which it is submitted clearly and prominently specifies that the tariff is submitted to become effective on less than statutory notice. |
(4) Whenever a carrier files a tariff on not less than forty-five days' notice, containing increased rates and charges for collection and disposal of solid waste, the carrier shall notify affected customers no later than the date of filing that a tariff of increased rates and charges is being filed with the Washington utilities and transportation commission, Olympia, Washington, proposed to become effective on the date stated in the filing and that the carrier has asked that it become effective on the date requested. The amount of increased charges must also be indicated. Notice shall be in writing and sent to customers by United States mail. The notice shall state that the proposed rates shall not become effective until reviewed by the commission. The notice shall also include a statement that affected customers may express their opinions regarding the filing in writing to the Washington utilities and transportation commission and shall state the mailing address of the commission headquarters office. A copy of the notice shall also be mailed or delivered to at least one newspaper of general circulation in the area. The tariff filed with the commission must be accompanied by a letter of transmittal fully setting forth the reasons justifying the proposed increased charges. The letter shall also state that notice has been given in the manner outlined above.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
80.01.040. WSR 94-14-012 (Order R-418, Docket No. TV-940147) § 480-149-120, filed 6/23/94, effective 7/24/94; WSR 93-24-103 (Order R-400, Docket No. A-930517), § 480-149-120, filed 12/1/93, effective 1/1/94; WSR 90-22-031 (Order R-329, Docket No. T-900076), § 480-149-120, filed 10/31/90, effective 12/1/90; WSR 88-08-047 (Order R-285, Cause No. TG-2146), § 480-149-120, filed 4/4/88; WSR 88-01-115 (Order R-283, Cause No. T-2118), § 480-149-120, filed 12/23/87; WSR 83-11-019 (Order R-203, Cause No. TR-1697), § 480-149-120, filed 5/11/83. Statutory Authority: RCW
80.01.040 and
81.77.030. WSR 79-01-034 (Order R-118, Cause No. TV-1182), § 480-149-120, filed 12/20/78; Order R-16, § 480-149-120, filed 2/3/70; Public Service Commission Cause No. T-9494, filed 4/5/61.]