PDFWAC 10-04-055

Protection of public records.

(1) The office will maintain its records in a reasonably organized manner and will take reasonable actions to protect records from damage and disorganization.
(2) Records will be made available to the requestor for inspection subject to the following restrictions:
(a) The records must not be removed from the designated area;
(b) The public records officer may limit the number of pages provided for inspection at one time;
(c) All possible care must be taken to prevent damage to the records;
(d) Records may not be marked, altered, cut or mutilated in any way;
(e) Use of liquids, eating, drinking, and smoking while inspecting the records is prohibited;
(f) Records must not be defaced in any way, including by writing on, folding, tracing or fastening them with fasteners other than those already existing in file;
(g) Records must be kept in the order in which they are received; and
(h) All copying of records will be done by office staff.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.12.030(6). WSR 18-01-144, ยง 10-04-055, filed 12/20/17, effective 1/20/18.]