(Effective until October 29, 2023)

PDFWAC 51-11C-40376

Section C403.7.6Energy recovery ventilation systems.

C403.7.6 Energy recovery ventilation systems. Any system with minimum outside air requirements at design conditions greater than 5,000 cfm or any system where the system's supply airflow rate exceeds the value listed in Tables C403.7.6(1) and C403.7.6(2), based on the climate zone and percentage of outdoor airflow rate at design conditions, shall include an energy recovery system. Table C403.7.6(1) shall be used for all ventilation systems that operate less than 8,000 hours per year, and Table C403.7.6(2) shall be used for all ventilation systems that operate 8,000 hours or more per year. The energy recovery system shall have the capability to provide a change in the enthalpy of the outdoor air supply of not less than 50 percent of the difference between the outdoor air and return air enthalpies, at design conditions. Where an air economizer is required, the energy recovery system shall include a bypass of the energy recovery media for both the outdoor air and exhaust air or return air dampers and controls which permit operation of the air economizer as required by Section C403.5. Where a single room or space is supplied by multiple units, the aggregate ventilation (cfm) of those units shall be used in applying this requirement. The return/exhaust air stream temperature for heat recovery device selection shall be 70°F (21°C) at 30 percent relative humidity, or as calculated by the registered design professional.
An energy recovery ventilation system shall not be required in any of the following conditions:
1. Where energy recovery systems are restricted per Section 514 of the International Mechanical Code to sensible energy, recovery shall comply with one of the following:
1.1. Kitchen exhaust systems where they comply with Section C403.7.7.1.
1.2. Laboratory fume hood systems where they comply with Exception 2 of Section C403.7.6.
1.3. Other sensible energy recovery systems with the capability to provide a change in dry-bulb temperature of the outdoor air supply of not less than 50 percent of the difference between the outdoor air and the return air dry-bulb temperatures, at design conditions.
2. Laboratory fume hood systems that include at least one of the following features and also comply with Section C403.7.7.2:
2.1. Variable-air-volume hood exhaust and room supply systems configured to reduce exhaust and makeup air volume to 50 percent or less of design values.
2.2. Direct makeup (auxiliary) air supply equal to at least 75 percent of the exhaust rate, heated no warmer than 2°F (1.1°C) above room setpoint, cooled to no cooler than 3°F (1.7°C) below room setpoint, no humidification added, and no simultaneous heating and cooling used for dehumidification control.
3. Systems serving spaces that are heated to less than 60°F (15.5°C) and are not cooled.
4. Where more than 60 percent of the outdoor air heating energy is provided from site-recovered energy.
5. Systems exhausting toxic, flammable, paint or corrosive fumes or dust.
6. Cooling energy recovery.
7. Systems requiring dehumidification that employ energy recovery in series with the cooling coil.
8. Multiple-zone systems where the supply airflow rate is less than the values specified in Tables C403.7.6 (1) and (2), for the corresponding percent of outdoor air. Where a value of NR is listed, energy recovery shall not be required.
9. Equipment which meets the requirements of Section C403.9.2.4.
10. Systems serving Group R-1 and R-3 dwelling or sleeping units where the largest source of air exhausted at a single location at the building exterior is less than 25 percent of the design outdoor air flow rate.
Table C403.7.6(1)
Energy Recovery Requirement
(Ventilation systems operating less than 8,000 hours per year)
Percent (%) Outdoor Air at Full Design Airflow Rate
Climate zone
≥ 10% and
< 20%
≥ 20% and
< 30%
≥ 30% and
< 40%
≥ 40% and
< 50%
≥ 50% and
< 60%
≥ 60% and
< 70%
≥ 70% and
< 80%
≥ 80%
Design Supply Fan Airflow Rate (cfm)
4C, 5B
≥ 5000
≥ 5000
NR = Not required.
Table C403.7.6(2)
Energy Recovery Requirement
(Ventilation systems operating not less than 8,000 hours per year)
Percent (%) Outdoor Air at Full Design Airflow Rate
Climate zone
≥ 10% and
< 20%
≥ 20% and
< 30%
≥ 30% and
< 40%
≥ 40% and
< 50%
≥ 50% and
< 60%
≥ 60% and
< 70%
≥ 70% and
< 80%
≥ 80%
Design Supply Fan Airflow Rate (cfm)
≥ 19500
≥ 9000
≥ 5000
≥ 4000
≥ 3000
≥ 1500
≥ 120
≥ 2500
≥ 2000
≥ 1000
≥ 500
≥ 140
≥ 120
≥ 100
≥ 80
NR = Not required.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.020, 19.27A.025, 19.27A.160 and chapter 19.27 RCW. WSR 19-24-040, § 51-11C-40376, filed 11/26/19, effective 7/1/20.]
(Effective October 29, 2023)

PDFWAC 51-11C-40376

Section C403.7.6Energy recovery ventilation systems.

C403.7.6 Energy recovery ventilation systems. Energy recovery ventilation systems shall be provided as specified in Sections C403.7.6.1 and C403.7.6.2.
C403.7.6.1 Ventilation for Group R-2 occupancy. For all Group R-2 dwelling and sleeping units, a balanced ventilation system with heat recovery system with minimum 60 percent sensible recovery effectiveness shall provide outdoor air directly to each habitable space in accordance with the International Mechanical Code. The ventilation system shall allow for the design flow rates to be tested and verified at each habitable space as part of the commissioning process in accordance with Section C408.2.2. The return/exhaust air stream temperature for heat recovery device selection shall be 70°F (21°C), or as calculated by the registered design professional.
C403.7.6.2 Spaces other than Group R-2 dwelling units. Any system serving a space other than a Group R-2 dwelling or sleeping unit with minimum outside air requirements at design conditions greater than 5,000 cfm or any system where the system's supply airflow rate exceeds the value listed in Tables C403.7.6(1) and C403.7.6(2), based on the climate zone and percentage of outdoor airflow rate at design conditions, shall include an energy recovery system. Table C403.7.6(1) shall be used for all ventilation systems that operate less than 8,000 hours per year, and Table C403.7.6(2) shall be used for all ventilation systems that operate 8,000 hours or more per year. The energy recovery system shall provide a 68 percent minimum sensible recovery effectiveness or have an enthalpy recovery ratio of not less than 60 percent at design conditions. Where an air economizer is required, the energy recovery system shall include a bypass of the energy recovery media for both the outdoor air and exhaust air or return air dampers and controls which permit operation of the air economizer as required by Section C403.5. Where a single room or space is supplied by multiple units, the aggregate ventilation (cfm) of those units shall be used in applying this requirement. The return/exhaust air stream temperature for heat recovery device selection shall be 70°F (21°C) at 30 percent relative humidity, or as calculated by the registered design professional.
An energy recovery ventilation system shall not be required in any of the following conditions:
1. Where energy recovery systems are restricted per Section 514 of the International Mechanical Code to sensible energy, recovery shall comply with one of the following:
1.1. Kitchen exhaust systems where they comply with Section C403.7.7.1.
1.2. Laboratory fume hood systems where they comply with Exception 2 of Section C403.7.6.
1.3. Other sensible energy recovery systems with the capability to provide a change in dry-bulb temperature of the outdoor air supply of not less than 50 percent of the difference between the outdoor air and the return air dry-bulb temperatures, at design conditions.
2. Laboratory fume hood systems that include at least one of the following features and also comply with Section C403.7.7.2:
2.1. Variable-air-volume hood exhaust and room supply systems configured to reduce exhaust and makeup air volume to 50 percent or less of design values.
2.2. Direct makeup (auxiliary) air supply equal to at least 75 percent of the exhaust rate, heated no warmer than 2°F (1.1°C) above room setpoint, cooled to no cooler than 3°F (1.7°C) below room setpoint, no humidification added, and no simultaneous heating and cooling used for dehumidification control.
3. Systems serving spaces that are heated to less than 60°F (15.5°C) and are not cooled.
4. Where more than 60 percent of the outdoor air heating energy is provided from site-recovered energy.
5. Systems exhausting toxic, flammable, paint or corrosive fumes or dust.
6. Cooling energy recovery.
7. Systems requiring dehumidification that employ energy recovery in series with the cooling coil.
8. Multiple-zone systems where the supply airflow rate is less than the values specified in Tables C403.7.6 (1) and (2), for the corresponding percent of outdoor air. Where a value of NR is listed, energy recovery shall not be required.
9. Equipment which meets the requirements of Section C403.9.2.4.
10. Systems serving Group R-1 dwelling or sleeping units where the largest source of air exhausted at a single location at the building exterior is less than 25 percent of the design outdoor air flow rate.
Table C403.7.6(1)
Energy Recovery Requirement
(Ventilation systems operating less than 8,000 hours per year)
Percent (%) Outdoor Air at Full Design Airflow Rate
Climate zone
≥ 10% and
< 20%
≥ 20% and
< 30%
≥ 30% and
< 40%
≥ 40% and
< 50%
≥ 50% and
< 60%
≥ 60% and
< 70%
≥ 70% and
< 80%
≥ 80%
Design Supply Fan Airflow Rate (cfm)
4C, 5B
≥ 5000
≥ 5000
NR = Not required.
Table C403.7.6(2)
Energy Recovery Requirement
(Ventilation systems operating not less than 8,000 hours per year)
Percent (%) Outdoor Air at Full Design Airflow Rate
Climate zone
≥ 10% and
< 20%
≥ 20% and
< 30%
≥ 30% and
< 40%
≥ 40% and
< 50%
≥ 50% and
< 60%
≥ 60% and
< 70%
≥ 70% and
< 80%
≥ 80%
Design Supply Fan Airflow Rate (cfm)
≥ 19500
≥ 9000
≥ 5000
≥ 4000
≥ 3000
≥ 1500
≥ 120
≥ 2500
≥ 2000
≥ 1000
≥ 500
≥ 140
≥ 120
≥ 100
≥ 80
NR = Not required.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.020, 19.27A.025, 19.27A.160 and chapters 19.27A and 19.27 RCW. WSR 22-14-091 and 23-12-101, § 51-11C-40376, filed 7/1/22 and 6/7/23, effective 10/29/23. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.020, 19.27A.025, 19.27A.160 and chapter 19.27 RCW. WSR 19-24-040, § 51-11C-40376, filed 11/26/19, effective 7/1/20.]