(Effective until March 15, 2024)

PDFWAC 51-11C-40703

Section C407.3Performance-based compliance.

C407.3 Performance-based compliance. Compliance with this section requires compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Appendix G, Performance Rating Method, in accordance with Standard 90.1 Section 4.2.1 with the following modifications:
1. The mandatory requirements of Section G1.2.1a of Standard 90.1 are not required to be met.
2. The reduction in annual carbon emissions of the proposed building design associated with on-site renewable energy shall not be more than 3 percent of the total carbon emissions of the baseline building design.
3. References to energy cost in Section and Appendix G shall be replaced by carbon emissions calculated by multiplying site energy consumption by the carbon emission factor from Table C407.3(1).
4. The building performance factors in Table C4.2.1.1 shall be replaced with those in Table C407.3(2).
C407.3.1 Limits on nonmandatory measures. The Proposed Total UA of the proposed building shall be no more than 20 percent higher than the Allowed Total UA as defined in Section C402.1.5.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.020, 19.27A.025, 19.27A.160 and chapter 19.27 RCW. WSR 19-24-040, § 51-11C-40703, filed 11/26/19, effective 7/1/20. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.025, 19.27A.160, and 19.27.074. WSR 16-03-072, § 51-11C-40703, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.020, 19.27A.025 and chapters 19.27 and 34.05 RCW. WSR 13-04-056, § 51-11C-40703, filed 2/1/13, effective 7/1/13.]
(Effective March 15, 2024)

PDFWAC 51-11C-40703

Section C407.3Performance-based compliance.

C407.3 Performance-based compliance. Compliance with this section requires compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Appendix G, Performance Rating Method, in accordance with Standard 90.1 Section 4.2.1 with the following modifications:
1. The mandatory requirements of the Washington State Energy Code are required to be met, instead of those of Section G1.2.1a of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1.
2. Compliance with Section C407 requires meeting both an emissions and site energy reduction target in accordance with the following:
2.1. Carbon emissions target. The carbon emissions target is focused on regulated load energy efficiency, thus shall be met only via regulated load savings without consideration of the contribution of on-site or off-site renewable energy or unregulated load savings. Adjustments to the PCI, to account for the contribution of renewable energy found in ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 Section shall not be used. References to energy cost in Section and Appendix G shall be replaced by carbon emissions calculated by multiplying site energy consumption by the carbon emission factor from Table C407.3(1). The building performance factors in Table of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 shall be replaced with those in Table C407.3(2).
2.2. Site energy target. The site energy performance target shall be met including the contributions of on-site or off-site renewable energy as described in Section C411.2 as well as the contributions of improvements in unregulated loads as allowed by Section C407.3.4. The annual on-site and off-site renewable energy production (as adjusted by the factors in Table C411.2.1) shall be subtracted from the proposed building annual site energy use. Compliance with the site energy performance target requires that the proposed building site energy use/baseline building site energy use is less than or equal to the site energy performance target from Table C407.3(3).
3. Documentation requirements in Section G1.3.2.d shall be replaced by a list showing compliance with the mandatory provisions of Table C407.2.
4. Forms demonstrating compliance with Appendix G developed by the U.S. Department of Energy shall be completed and submitted to the code official. The forms are available at energycodes.gov/ashrae-standard-901-performance-based-compliance-form.
5. References to yet-to-be-designed future building components in the Proposed Building Performance column of Table G3.1 shall be modified to reference the corresponding sections of the Washington State Energy Code in lieu of the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 in the following sections of the table:
5.1. No. 1, Design Model, subclause c.
5.2. No. 6, Lighting, subclause c.
5.3. No. 11, Service Water Heating System, subclause c.
5.4. No. 12, Receptacle and Other Loads, subclause b.
6. HVAC systems, subclauses c and d of Table G3.1, shall meet the following requirements:
6.1. For yet-to-be-designed systems in office, retail, library, education, and multifamily buildings and occupancies subject to the TSPR requirements of Section C403.1.1, the system type and efficiency parameters in the proposed model shall meet but not exceed those shown in Table D602.11 Standard Reference Design HVAC Systems.
6.2. For all other buildings and occupancies, the system type shall be the same as the system modeled in the baseline design and shall comply with but not exceed the requirements of Section C403 in lieu of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1.
6.3. For HVAC systems serving future tenant spaces, where the current building permit applies to only a portion of an HVAC system, and future components will receive HVAC services from systems included in the current building permit, those future components shall be modeled as the type required to complete the HVAC system portions under the current permit and shall meet but not exceed the requirements found in Section C403.
7. The requirements for proposed and baseline building lighting system shall be modified in accordance with Addendum af to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1.
8. Energy modeler qualifications. The energy analyst in responsible charge of the Section C407 submittal shall meet at least one of the following:
8.1. ASHRAE Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP) certification.
8.2. Association of Energy Engineer's Building Energy Simulation Analyst (BESA) certification.
8.3. Successful completion of at least five projects modeled following any version of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 Appendix G within the last three years that were reviewed and approved by a code official or rating authority.
C407.3.1 Limits on nonmandatory measures. The Proposed Total UA of the proposed building shall be no more than 20 percent higher than the Allowed Total UA as defined in Section C402.1.5.
C407.3.2 On-site and off-site renewable energy accounting for use with Appendix G. Qualifying on-site and off-site renewable energy delivered or credited to the building project to comply with Section C407.3 item 2.2 shall meet the requirements of Section C411.2.
C407.3.3 Low-carbon district energy use with Appendix G. Qualifying low-carbon district heating and cooling or heating only systems and low-carbon district energy exchange systems shall meet the requirements of Section C407.3.3.1 or C407.3.3.2, as applicable.
C407.3.3.1 Utilization of low-carbon district heating and cooling or heating only systems. Applicable if heating and cooling or heating only is provided to the proposed building from a low-carbon district heating and cooling or heating only system that is fully operational prior to the final inspection. Proposed model shall account for all on-site HVAC and service hot water related equipment, such as circulation pump energy and heat-exchanger efficiency.
1. The following modifications shall be applied to Appendix G of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 in addition to what is described in Section C407.3:
1.1. For low-carbon district heating and cooling systems, strike the text of Sections G3.1.1.1, G3.1.1.2, G3., and G3. Baseline system shall be selected based on unmodified versions of Tables G3.1.1-3 and G3.1.1-4, with carbon emission factors from Table C407.3(1).
1.2. For low-carbon district heating only systems, strike the text of Sections G3.1.1.1, G3., and G3. Baseline system shall be selected based on unmodified versions of Tables G3.1.1-3 and G3.1.1-4, with carbon emission factors from Table C407.3(1).
2. Any heating or cooling energy provided by the low-carbon district heating and cooling or heating only system shall utilize footnote a of Table C407.3(1) for the district system carbon emission factor in the proposed model to account for carbon emissions from those end uses.
3. Carbon emission "credit" for any waste/recoverable heat exported to the low-carbon district heating and cooling or heating only systems shall be accounted for in the proposed design by multiplying the quantity of heat exported by the Carbon Emissions Factor established in footnote a of Table C407.3(1) multiplied by the appropriate seasonal utilization factor in Items 3.1 and 3.2 below. This carbon emissions "credit" is subtracted from the total proposed design carbon emissions calculated in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1 Section
3.1. Fifty percent of the waste heat exported to the low-carbon district heating and cooling or heating only systems during the months of October through December and January through March.
3.2. Twenty-five percent of the waste heat exported to the low-carbon district heating and cooling or heating only systems during the months of April through September.
Waste heat exported from the building to the low-carbon district heating and cooling or heating only system shall not be subtracted from the proposed design carbon emissions if they are already accounted for in the calculation of emissions from the district heating or cooling plant.
Documentation for the low-carbon district system that is operational prior to the final inspection shall be provided to demonstrate the following:
1. Distribution losses must be accounted for and may not exceed 10 percent of the annual load delivered to buildings served by the system.
2. Twenty-five percent of the annual district-system-net-load-met (sum of heating and cooling energy provided to attached buildings) comes from heat recovery between connected buildings, waste heat or renewable energy resources and no more than 25 percent of the annual heat input to the system comes from fossil fuel or electric-resistance sources, or not more than 10 percent of the system annual heat input to the system comes from fossil fuel or electric-resistance sources.
C407.3.3.2 Utilization of low-carbon district energy exchange systems. Applicable if heating or cooling is provided to the proposed building from a low-carbon district energy exchange system that is fully operational prior to the final inspection. Proposed model shall account for all on-site HVAC and service hot water related equipment, such as circulation pump energy and heat-exchanger efficiency.
1. The following modifications shall be applied to Appendix G of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 in addition to what is described in Section C407.3:
1.1. Strike the text of Sections G3.1.1.1, G3.1.1.2, G3.1.1.3, G3., G3., G3., and G3. Baseline system shall be selected based on unmodified versions of Tables G3.1.1-3 and G3.1.1-4, with carbon emission factors from Table C407.3(1).
2. Any heating or cooling energy provided by a low-carbon district energy exchange system shall utilize footnote a of Table C407.3(1) for the district system carbon emission factor in the proposed model.
3. Carbon emission "credit" for any waste/recoverable heating exported to the low-carbon district energy exchange system shall be accounted for in the proposed design by multiplying the quantity of heat exported by the Carbon Emissions Factor established in footnote a of Table C407.3(1) multiplied by the appropriate seasonal utilization factor in Items 3.1 and 3.2 below. This carbon emissions "credit" is subtracted from the total proposed design carbon emissions calculated in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1 Section
3.1. Fifty percent of the waste heat exported to the low-carbon district energy exchange system during the months of October through December and January through March.
3.2. Twenty-five percent of the waste heat exported to the low-carbon district energy exchange system during the months of April through September.
Waste heat exported from the building to the low-carbon district heating and cooling or heating only system shall not be subtracted from the proposed design carbon emissions if they are already accounted for in the calculation of emissions from the district heating or cooling plant.
Documentation for the low-carbon district system that is operational prior to the final inspection shall be provided to demonstrate that the definition of low-carbon district energy exchange system is satisfied.
C407.3.4 Credit for improvements in unregulated loads when using Appendix G. When calculating savings for site energy targets in accordance with Section C407.3 item 2.2, but not when calculating savings for emissions targets in accordance with Section C407.3 item 2.1, differences in the simulation of unregulated loads and equipment modeled in the baseline building design from those in the proposed design shall be approved by the code official based on documentation that the equipment installed in the proposed design represents a significant verifiable departure from documented current conventional practice. All unregulated equipment for which savings is claimed must be installed by the time of final inspection. The burden of this documentation is to demonstrate that accepted conventional practice would result in baseline building equipment different from that installed in the proposed design. Occupancy and occupancy schedules shall not be changed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.020, 19.27A.025, 19.27A.160 and chapters 19.27A and 19.27 RCW. WSR 22-14-091, 23-12-101, and 23-20-021, § 51-11C-40703, filed 7/1/22, 6/7/23, and 9/25/23, effective 3/15/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.020, 19.27A.025, 19.27A.160 and chapter 19.27 RCW. WSR 19-24-040, § 51-11C-40703, filed 11/26/19, effective 7/1/20. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.025, 19.27A.160, and 19.27.074. WSR 16-03-072, § 51-11C-40703, filed 1/19/16, effective 7/1/16. Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.020, 19.27A.025 and chapters 19.27 and 34.05 RCW. WSR 13-04-056, § 51-11C-40703, filed 2/1/13, effective 7/1/13.]