PDFWAC 132S-01-035

Regular meetings of the board of trustees.

The board of trustees of Columbia Basin College shall hold regular monthly meetings according to a schedule including place, time and date filed with the Washington state code reviser on or before January 1st of each year for publication in the Washington State Register. Notice of any change from such meeting schedule shall be published in the Washington State Register at least twenty days prior to the rescheduled meeting date.
All regular meetings of the board of trustees shall be held at 2600 North 20th Avenue, Pasco, WA 99301, unless otherwise announced in accordance with chapter 42.30 RCW (the Open Public Meetings Act). Information about specific meeting places and times may be obtained from the president's office or the Columbia Basin College website.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 16-12-039, ยง 132S-01-035, filed 5/25/16, effective 6/25/16.]