PDFWAC 173-134A-100

Establishment of a technical committee.

(1) For the purpose of advising the department in the implementation of this chapter, there is established a technical committee consisting of one permanent member and one alternate member each from the bureau and the department assisted by other technical advisors (e.g. irrigation districts, municipalities) as the permanent members consider necessary.
(2) The role of the committee shall relate generally to providing advice pertaining to ground and surface water conditions and management in the Quincy subarea.
(3) The committee shall meet as necessary when called by a permanent member of the committee. Telephone conference calls may constitute a committee meeting.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.060, 43.21A.080, 43.27A.090, 90.44.130, 90.54.040(2) and chapter 90.03 RCW. WSR 83-12-060 (Order DE 83-10), ยง 173-134A-100, filed 6/1/83. Formerly WAC 173-134-080.]