PDFWAC 173-175-110

Sequence of permitting actions.

The sequence of tasks to be completed by the owner or the project engineer, and the actions taken by the department in permitting dam construction are outlined below. A more complete description of the required tasks, reports, and plans are described in later sections, and additional guidance in meeting department requirements is contained in the department documents titled Dam Safety Guidelines. The following outline is listed to give an overview of the normal sequence of actions for construction of a new dam. Subsections (9), (10), and (11) of this section will not be required for modification of an existing dam where the department has previously accepted the project's operation and maintenance plan and emergency action plan.
(1) Submission of application for construction permit, including initial nonrefundable fee payment.
(2) Submission of engineering design report(s).
(3) Submission of plans and specifications.
(4) Payment of construction permit fee.
(5) Submission of construction inspection plan.
(6) Resolution of any outstanding engineering issues.
(7) Department approves plans and specifications and issues construction permit.
(8) Construction or modification of dam.
(9) Submission of operation and maintenance (O&M) plan.
(10) Submission of emergency action plan (EAP).
(11) Department accepts O&M plan and EAP.
(12) Declaration by project engineer that project was constructed or modified in accordance with approved plans and specifications and construction change orders.
(13) Department concurs with project engineer that project was constructed or modified in accordance with approved plans and specifications and construction change orders.
(14) Department authorizes filling of reservoir at new dam or resumption of normal operations at existing dam.
(15) Submission of a report summarizing the construction records.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, [43.21A.]080 and 86.16.061. WSR 92-12-055 (Order 91-17), ยง 173-175-110, filed 6/1/92, effective 7/2/92.]