PDFWAC 173-175-140

Plans and specifications.

(1) Two copies of the plans and specifications, bearing the seal and signature of the project engineer, shall be submitted to the department for engineering review. Upon approval, one copy will be retained by the department and the other copy will be returned to the owner or the project engineer.
(2) For large or complex projects, one copy of the preliminary or intermediate level plans, in addition to the final plans, shall be submitted to the department for review.
(3) To be approved, the plans and specifications must contain sufficient detail to describe the proposed construction work.
(a) The following items, as a minimum, shall be included as part of the construction plans:
(i) Project location and vicinity maps;
(ii) Site map of dam, reservoir area, and appurtenances;
(iii) Sectional view along longitudinal axis of dam and foundation;
(iv) Cross-sectional view of dam at location of maximum height;
(v) Cross-sectional views and profiles of spillway(s), outlet facilities, and other appurtenances;
(vi) Steel reinforcement placement and bar sizing for concrete construction must be shown in at least one section or profile; and
(vii) The plan for diversion and control of water during construction.
(b) The following items, as a minimum, shall be included as part of the construction specifications:
(i) Type, class, or description of all materials to be used;
(ii) The requirements for fill placement, moisture conditioning, and minimum level of compaction of all earthen zones;
(iii) The requirements, procedures, and minimum standards for concrete construction and/or structural details.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, [43.21A.]080 and 86.16.061. WSR 92-12-055 (Order 91-17), ยง 173-175-140, filed 6/1/92, effective 7/2/92.]