PDFWAC 173-175-160

Review standards.

The department will review engineering design reports, plans, and specifications and the construction inspection plan to ascertain that the proposed project will be designed and constructed in a manner which will reasonably secure safety to life and property.
(1) The department's review is intended to address issues of safety directly related to the structural stability and integrity of the completed project. The review is not intended to extend to more general issues of safety not directly related to the structural stability and integrity of the project which are the purview of other governmental agencies such as the Washington department of labor and industries (L&I), which administers the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA).
(2) In addition to the above, the department will review documents submitted pursuant to this chapter to ascertain that they conform to accepted engineering and construction practice and are in conformance with guidance contained in the department's Dam Safety Guidelines.
(3) Those elements of a document(s) which are found not to be in conformance with the above will be identified to the owner or the project engineer and changes may be required as appropriate to conform to accepted engineering practice.
(4) Where differences of opinion arise on the suitability of certain engineering or construction practices and cannot be readily resolved, the burden of proof will rest on the owner and the project engineer to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed plan or action.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, [43.21A.]080 and 86.16.061. WSR 92-12-055 (Order 91-17), ยง 173-175-160, filed 6/1/92, effective 7/2/92.]