(1) A detailed plan shall be submitted to the department describing how adequate and competent construction inspection will be provided.
(2) The construction inspection plan shall be prepared by a professional engineer and shall bear his/her seal and signature.
(3) The construction inspection plan shall include, as a minimum:
(a) A listing of construction activities related to critical project elements and planned inspection effort including staffing levels, responsibilities, frequency, and duration of site visits;
(b) A description of the quality assurance testing program which describes the type of test, general frequency, acceptable results, handling of deficient materials, and the individual(s) responsible for overseeing the testing;
(c) Description of construction management organization, lines of communication, and responsibilities;
(d) Description of the change order process including who is responsible for coordinating the change order review process with the department;
(e) Description of the technical records handling and the content and frequency of construction progress reports.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.21A.064, [43.21A.]080 and
86.16.061. WSR 92-12-055 (Order 91-17), ยง 173-175-170, filed 6/1/92, effective 7/2/92.]