(1) After the department has determined that the plans and specifications and construction inspection plan conform to accepted engineering practice, these documents will be approved and a construction permit will be issued which authorizes construction to commence.
Construction shall not commence until the construction permit has been issued by the department.
Preliminary work such as mobilization of equipment, stripping and grubbing and other site access and preparation work is allowed prior to receipt of the construction permit, provided no permanent features of the dam are initiated.
(2) Receipt of the construction permit does not relieve the owner of the responsibility to secure all other applicable permits and approvals before proceeding with construction work.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.21A.064, [43.21A.]080 and
86.16.061. WSR 92-12-055 (Order 91-17), ยง 173-175-180, filed 6/1/92, effective 7/2/92.]