PDFWAC 173-175-190

Construction change orders.

(1) All dam projects subject to the provisions of this regulation shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the department. Any proposed changes to the department-approved plans which could have an effect on structural integrity or safe operations of the project must first be presented to the department for a determination if an approval is required.
(2) If the department determines that the proposed construction change order represents a significant modification of the approved plans or specifications that could have an effect on structural integrity or safe operations of the project, then approval of the change order will be required.
The department will review the construction change order and provide a response to the project engineer in a timely manner consistent with the complexity and safety concerns of the situation.
(3) If department approval of the proposed construction change order is required, no action can be taken by the owner to make the construction change until approval is given by the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, [43.21A.]080 and 86.16.061. WSR 92-12-055 (Order 91-17), ยง 173-175-190, filed 6/1/92, effective 7/2/92.]