If the department determines that emergency or exigency conditions exist at a dam and that it is in the best interests of public safety to expedite the construction or modification of a dam, the department may elect to temporarily suspend the normal construction permit process. To allow this exception, the department will issue a written conditional construction permit, which:
(1) May initially be oral;
(2) Will specify the construction activities to be allowed;
(3) May be terminated at a time deemed appropriate by the department;
(4) Shall incorporate, to the extent possible, and not inconsistent with the situation, all applicable requirements of this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.21A.064, [43.21A.]080 and
86.16.061. WSR 92-12-055 (Order 91-17), ยง 173-175-260, filed 6/1/92, effective 7/2/92.]