PDFWAC 173-175-795

Periodic inspection fees for transfer of ownership or control.

The department shall charge inspection fees from the dam owner on record with the department. In the event that ownership or control of a dam is transferred, it shall not be the responsibility of the department to transfer funds between a new and previous dam owner, and the department shall not refund fee charges prospectively in the event of a transfer. Fees paid by a previous dam owner shall be deemed to satisfy the corresponding fee payment requirements of a new dam owner. Agreements between a new and previous dam owner are not binding on the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21A.064, 43.21A.080, 86.16.061, 90.03.350 and [90.03].470. WSR 04-16-122 (Order 03-08), ยง 173-175-795, filed 8/4/04, effective 9/4/04.]