The provisions of this chapter apply to manufacturing facilities that are covered entities under chapter 316, Laws of 2021 (the Climate Commitment Act) regarding classification as emissions-intensive and trade-exposed.
Facilities classified as emissions-intensive and trade-exposed. Facilities engaged in one or more of the processes described by the industry descriptions and codes in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) in Table 030-1, as that code is reported under chapter
173-441 WAC, are classified as emissions-intensive and trade-exposed. Use the six digit NAICS codes when available in Table 030-1, otherwise use the shorter NAICS codes listed in Table 030-1 substituting the values in the full reported six-digit NAICS code for "X".
Table 030-1: NAICS Codes and Descriptions for Emissions-Intensive and Trade-Exposed Industries
NAICS Code | Industry Description |
331XXX | Metals manufacturing, including iron and steel making, ferroalloy and primary metals manufacturing, secondary aluminum smelting and alloying, aluminum sheet, plate, and foil manufacturing, and smelting, refining, and alloying of other nonferrous metals |
322XXX | Paper manufacturing, including pulp mills, paper mills, and paperboard milling |
3364XX | Aerospace product and parts manufacturing |
321XXX | Wood products manufacturing |
327XXX | Nonmetallic mineral manufacturing, including glass container manufacturing |
325XXX | Chemical manufacturing |
334XXX | Computer and electronic product manufacturing, including semiconductor and related device manufacturing |
311XXX | Food manufacturing |
327310 | Cement manufacturing |
324110 | Petroleum refining |
324121 | Asphalt paving mixtures and block manufacturing from refined petroleum |
324122 | Asphalt shingle and coating manufacturing from refined petroleum |
324199 | All other petroleum and coal products manufacturing from refined petroleum |
(2) Facilities with NAICS codes reported under chapter
173-441 WAC which are not listed in Table 030-1 may petition the department to be classified as emissions-intensive and trade-exposed according to the process in WAC 173-446A-040.
[Statutory Authority: 2021 c 316. WSR 22-13-002 (Order 21-05), ยง 173-446A-030, filed 6/1/22, effective 7/2/22.]