(1) One million three hundred twenty thousand acre-feet per year are hereby reserved from the John Day/McNary Pools reach to provide a water supply for the 330,000 acres of irrigation projected to be developed by the year 2020. The 330,000 acres includes lands under existing water right permits, pending applications and land for which appropriation applications have not yet been filed.
(2) The priority dates of existing permits and applications already on file covered by the reservation are the dates of filing with the department. The priority dates of permits issued under applications filed in the future under the reservation shall be the effective date of this regulation (see RCW
(3) Waters represented by canceled or relinquished applications and permits will still be considered reserved and may be subsequently filed on by interested appropriators.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
90.54 RCW. WSR 80-08-022 (Order DE 80-19), ยง 173-531A-040, filed 6/24/80. Formerly WAC 173-531-040.]