PDFWAC 173-531A-050

Reservation for municipal use.

(1) Twenty-six thousand acre-feet of water per year is reserved from the John Day/McNary Pools reach to provide for future municipal supply to the year 2020.
(2) The reservation for municipal use does not guarantee any existing or future supply entity a specific quantity of water. Municipal water supply utilities must petition the department for reservation of water, for their particular needs, according to procedures of chapter 173-590 WAC.
(3) The priority dates of water right filings under the municipal reservation shall be the effective date of this regulation.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 90.54 RCW. WSR 80-08-022 (Order DE 80-19), ยง 173-531A-050, filed 6/24/80. Formerly WAC 173-531-050.]