(1) The board is authorized, upon a determination of persistently unsatisfactory performance of an authorizer's portfolio of charter schools, a pattern of well-founded complaints about the authorizer or its charter schools, or other objective circumstances, to conduct a special review of an authorizer's performance. The purpose of the special review is to determine the need for additional action by the board as provided in these rules.
(2) "Persistently unsatisfactory performance of an authorizer's portfolio of charter schools" shall consist, for any school or schools, of:
(a) Repeated failure during a contract term, or consecutive contract terms, to meet the expectations for academic performance set forth in the charter contract including, but not limited to, applicable state and federal accountability requirements, without evidence of a trend indicating the school will meet those expectations;
(b) Repeated failure during a contract term, or consecutive contract terms, to meet the financial performance targets within the charter contract;
(c) Repeated failure during a contract term, or consecutive contract terms, to meet the targets for organizational performance within the charter contract.
(3) "A pattern of well-founded complaints" means multiple complaints that are found by the board to be supported by sufficient factual information alleging that an authorizer is not in compliance with a charter contract, its authorizing contract, or its authorizer duties, including the failure to develop and follow nationally recognized principles and standards for charter authorizing.
(a) Any individual or entity may submit a written complaint to the board about an authorizer or its charter schools. The complaint should state in specific terms the alleged violation of law, failure to comply with a charter contract or its authorizing contract, or failure to develop and follow nationally recognized principles and standards for charter authorizing. The complaint must be signed and dated and provide contact information for use by the board in requesting additional information as deemed needed. The board shall post a standard form for submission of complaints on its public website.
(b) Upon receipt, the board shall transmit the complaint to the authorizer for its written response, which shall be submitted to the board within thirty days of receipt.
(c) The board may request additional information from the complainant or the authorizer as deemed necessary to investigate the complaint.
(d) If the complaint is determined not to be well-founded, the board shall notify the complainant in writing and the board shall not be required to take further action.
(e) If the complaint is determined to be well-founded, the board shall provide written notification of such determination to the complainant and the authorizer.
(4) "Other objective circumstances" include, but are not limited to, failure of the authorizer or its charter schools to comply with an applicable state or federal law or regulation, or evidence that a charter school is not operating in a manner that fulfills the requirements of its charter contract or has a substantial risk of becoming operationally unable to fulfill those requirements.
(5) The board must provide written notice to the authorizer of initiation of a special review, documenting the reasons for the decision to conduct the review. The board must provide opportunity for the authorizer to respond in writing to the specific determinations of the need for the review.
(6) The board shall submit a written report of the results of the special review to the authorizer and other interested persons. The report may include recommended corrective actions. The report shall be posted on the board's public website.