(1) Health care providers and health care facilities shall include the patient's ethnicity as defined in subsection (4) of this section, the patient's race as defined in subsection (5) of this section, and the patient's preferred language as defined in subsection (6) of this section when:
(a) Ordering a laboratory test for a notifiable condition under WAC
246-101-105 (6)(a); and
(2) Laboratory directors shall include the patient's ethnicity as defined in subsection (4) of this section, the patient's race as defined in subsection (5) of this section, and the patient's preferred language as defined in subsection (6) of this section when:
(a) Referring a specimen of a notifiable condition to a reference laboratory for testing under WAC
246-101-205; and
(b) Submitting a specimen to the Washington state public health laboratories under WAC
246-101-215; and
(c) Submitting a laboratory report under WAC
(3) A local health officer shall include the patient's ethnicity as defined in subsection (4) of this section, the patient's race as defined in subsection (5) of this section, and the patient's preferred language as defined in subsection (6) of this section when submitting an investigation report under WAC
(4) Patient's ethnicity shall be identified by the patient and reported using one of the following categories:
(a) Hispanic, Latino/a, Latinx;
(b) Non-Hispanic, Latino/a, Latinx;
(c) Patient declined to respond; or
(d) Unknown.
(5) Patient's race shall be identified by the patient and reported using one or more of the following categories; if the patient self-identifies as more than one race, each race shall be reported:
(a) Afghan;
(b) Afro-Caribbean;
(c) Alaska Native;
(d) American Indian;
(e) Arab;
(f) Asian;
(g) Asian Indian;
(h) Bamar/Burman/Burmese;
(i) Bangladeshi;
(j) Bhutanese;
(k) Black or African American;
(l) Central American;
(m) Cham;
(n) Chicano/a or Chicanx;
(o) Chinese;
(p) Congolese;
(q) Cuban;
(r) Dominican;
(s) Egyptian;
(t) Eritrean;
(u) Ethiopian;
(v) Fijian;
(w) Filipino;
(x) First Nations;
(y) Guamanian or Chamorro;
(z) Hmong/Mong;
(aa) Indigenous-Latino/a or Indigenous-Latinx;
(bb) Indonesian;
(cc) Iranian;
(dd) Iraqi;
(ee) Japanese;
(ff) Jordanian;
(gg) Karen;
(hh) Kenyan;
(ii) Khmer/Cambodian;
(jj) Korean;
(kk) Kuwaiti;
(ll) Lao;
(mm) Lebanese;
(nn) Malaysian;
(oo) Marshallese;
(pp) Mestizo;
(qq) Mexican/Mexican American;
(rr) Middle Eastern;
(ss) Mien;
(tt) Moroccan;
(uu) Native Hawaiian;
(vv) Nepalese;
(ww) North African;
(xx) Oromo;
(yy) Pacific Islander;
(zz) Pakistani;
(aaa) Puerto Rican;
(bbb) Romanian/Rumanian;
(ccc) Russian;
(ddd) Samoan;
(eee) Saudi Arabian;
(fff) Somali;
(ggg) South African;
(hhh) South American;
(iii) Syrian;
(jjj) Taiwanese;
(kkk) Thai;
(lll) Tongan;
(mmm) Ugandan;
(nnn) Ukrainian;
(ooo) Vietnamese;
(ppp) White;
(qqq) Yemeni;
(rrr) Other race;
(sss) Patient declined to respond; and
(ttt) Unknown.
(6) Patient's preferred language shall be identified by the patient and reported using one of the following categories:
(a) Amharic;
(b) Arabic;
(c) Balochi/Baluchi;
(d) Burmese;
(e) Cantonese;
(f) Chinese (unspecified);
(g) Chamorro;
(h) Chuukese;
(i) Dari;
(j) English;
(k) Farsi/Persian;
(l) Fijian;
(m) Filipino/Pilipino;
(n) French;
(o) German;
(p) Hindi;
(q) Hmong;
(r) Japanese;
(s) Karen;
(t) Khmer/Cambodian;
(u) Kinyarwanda;
(v) Korean;
(w) Kosraean;
(x) Lao;
(y) Mandarin;
(z) Marshallese;
(aa) Mixteco;
(bb) Nepali;
(cc) Oromo;
(dd) Panjabi/Punjabi;
(ee) Pashto;
(ff) Portuguese;
(gg) Romanian/Rumanian;
(hh) Russian;
(ii) Samoan;
(jj) Sign languages;
(kk) Somali;
(ll) Spanish/Castilian;
(mm) Swahili/Kiswahili;
(nn) Tagalog;
(oo) Tamil;
(pp) Telugu;
(qq) Thai;
(rr) Tigrinya;
(ss) Ukrainian;
(tt) Urdu;
(uu) Vietnamese;
(vv) Other language;
(ww) Patient declined to respond; or
(xx) Unknown.