(1) If the state registrar receives information that a birth certificate may have been registered or amended through fraud or misrepresentation, neither the state registrar nor local deputy registrars will release copies of that certificate until an informal administrative hearing is held.
(2) The department will notify the registrant or authorized representative, and he or she will have the opportunity to be heard at the hearing.
(a) If the state registrar finds that there was no fraud or misrepresentation, the record will be made available for inspection and copying.
(b) If the state registrar finds that the record was used fraudulently or was misrepresented, the registrar will tag the fraudulent birth certificate in the database. The record and evidence will be retained, but will not be released or subject to inspection unless:
(i) A court of competent jurisdiction orders the release or inspection of the record; or
(ii) The state registrar utilizes the record for purposes of administering the vital statistics program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
70.58.104 and
70.58.082. WSR 00-11-169, ยง 246-490-070, filed 5/24/00, effective 6/24/00.]