PDFWAC 296-17B-030

The language we use in these rules.

In these rules, when we say "we," we mean the retrospective rating program at the department of labor and industries. When we say "you," we mean either an individually enrolled employer or a sponsored group.
Except when the context specifically indicates, "you" does not mean an individual employer enrolled in a sponsored group.
We have tried to write these rules using plain language. When we use a word or phrase that means other than what it might ordinarily mean, an explanation of the word or phrase can be found in these rules.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035, 51.16.100, 51.04.020(1), and 51.18.010. WSR 10-21-086, ยง 296-17B-030, filed 10/19/10, effective 11/19/10.]